Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Baby Boy Benny

Have you ever heard of a reborn doll? Please, go check them out, they are waaaaaaaay more freaky than anything I could ever dream of making- http://www.reborn-baby.com/

Basically, they are hyper-realistic baby dolls that people of varying skill make.. for fun I assume? The talent which goes into some of these things is incredible, I can only imagine the kind of things I could make if I had the same sculpting and painting ability as some of these people. Unfortunately.. this is what happens when I try-


Only joking, of course. I was aiming to inject my own twisted imagination into the same concept, at the same time trying not to disgrace the entire reborn doll community, honestly! I mean it! 

You've got to admit that the stripy hippo outfit is ADORABLE though! -even on...him-
Also, notice he has eye lashes. They're fiddly to insert but well worth it for the extra detail.

Click "Read More" to see more images.


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